Archive for date night

Total Domination Date Night

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on September 11, 2014 by ufhm


Those of you who know Ninkasi, know what I mean.  She won’t let you down, but don’t cross her-she always gets what she wants.  Appropriately, the TD IPA pounded my palate like a big breaker on the beach.  It’s a brash, commanding beer that lives up to its name…of course, when it was through charging down my throat, I looked at the bottom of the glass with dismay and immediately searched the horizon for the wait staff (It’s hard to get enough).  In this case, I had to make do with only one…the wife and had I slipped out for a mid-week date, but it had to be a short one on a school night.  We happened to stumble upon Maxwell’s half-0ff burger Tuesday, what a treat!  For the record, the burgers did a good job of dominating as well, satisfying even the most robust craving for a hunk of meat.  Thanks Ninkasi, and Maxwell, for setting the date night stage so perfectly.  I’ll leave the after party to your imagination.